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My little girl LOVES Oswald from Nick Jr. 
Henry, the penguin Oswald’s friend
 and talks about his hot cocoa quite often. 
He likes it with,”Two marshmallows.  No more.  No less.”

How I created this cake:
 I used an 8 cup batter bowl from Pampered Chef. 
It’s the one people use to make the barbie cakes. 
I know, that’s soooo 90’s.
Here’s a picture from Pampered Chef’s website:
Once it was baked and cooled,
I leveled the top and dug a small well
for the “hot cocoa” to sit.
What is the pretend hot cocoa made of?
Chocolate ganache (mmmm)
This worked because while it was warm,
it was viscous enough to pour,
 yet solid enough to not drain into the cake itself. 
Before I put it in the fridge
to completely set the ganache,
I popped two marshmallows on top. 
Just like Henry likes it!
(But added one more since it was a
THIRD! birthday)
The handle is 1/2 of a doughnut
held in place with toothpicks.
This was a big hit (and delicious too!). 
Since I’ve made this cake, I’ve found and fallen in love with homemade marshmallows.  
They would’ve made this even better.
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31 Responses

  1. Hey there! Holly from 504 main sent me here, and I'm WAY impressed!!! That cake! Wow. I am totally going to try your natural deodorant! I am all about natural homemade products. I am slowly trying to rid my life of all chemicals. Can't wait to see more posts!!! Following now, of course.

  2. Sugar Bananas…how cute a name is that? ok lady, this is so creative and I wish I could've been there to eat it too! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

    Thanks for visiting and following. I'm following you as well! Love your ideas!

  3. What a lovely cake you have made! I have to say I am not familiar with that show, (now that my boy is a big 10 year old!) but I am pretty sure he would adore that cake as he loves hot chocolate.

    Best wishes,

  4. That is really really cute and all but…You need to stop. You are making us talentless mommys out there feel bad. Come on, I can't be the only what that looked at that and said "Can I buy that somewhere?"
    Very beautiful.
    Happy SITS Sharefest

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