Homemade Chocolate Syrup

homemade chocolate syrup from sugarbananas.com

Here’s a perfect recipe for gooey, rich chocolate syrup (without preservatives and other chemicals). This is so thick and chocolatey!  This chocolate syrup is great for making chocolate milk, topping ice cream, drizzling over Puffy German Pancakes, adding to brownie batter, or (my favorite) adding to my iced coffee! Homemade Chocolate Syrup 3/4 C Water […]

Teacher Gift Idea

Happy Back-To-School to you!Some have already started back to school and many kids begin tomorrow. Here’s a re-post of an easy, inexpensive, and much-loved gift for teachers. I had some crazy idea to make a Christmas gift for my daughter’s teacher.  I’ve never made anything like this before so I wasn’t sure if it would even […]

Everything Smurfy

Smurfs are back!  It’s so exciting to share them with my kiddos.  Many a Saturday morning was spent singing “la LA la la la la LA la la la la” Smurf stuff is popping up everywhere.  Check out what I found…   Smurf Bento.  Do I see blue rice?  Love it! source Homemade Papa Smurf […]

My Favorite Parenting Gadgets

I love when the kid catalogs pop up in my mailbox.  They’re filled with all kids of gadgets and toys to make parenting easier.  Some of the items seem like a big help while others look like a waste of money.   Here’s a list of my favorite products that I’ve found to be a […]

Oatmeal Creme Pies

I used to go nuts for the original Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies. I think I went through a box a week while I was breast feeding. It was out of control! I couldn’t get enough. Then one day I looked at the ingredients and thought about coming up with a version without partially hydrogenated […]

Painted Easter Crackers

So there I was. It was 9pm and I was signed up to bring in CHIPS to the Easter party (the next morning).  Chips were too easy.  So, I found a recipe  for  CHEESE CRACKERS.  They turned out more like cheesy biscuits but were still very good! I’d suggest cutting back on the baking powder […]