Baby Shower Favor

Baby Sarah is HERE! A very healthy baby Sarah was born last week to a very excited mommy and daddy. For those of you saying, “Who is baby Sarah?”, read my recent post HERE about my good friend, Jenny. Here is one of the favors from Jenny’s baby shower last month. How nice of her […]

Junkless Candy

I’m that mom. The one who doesn’t buy the candy for her kids in line at the grocery store. It’s because I just don’t like feeding them artificial junk. We live far away from a grocery store with lots of options so I end up ordering a few things online (like natural candy and my […]

Vanilla vs Vanillin

image credit OR image credit This debate deserves its own post. From some of my recent posts, you’ve probably guessed that I’m becoming more conscious about what goes into our bellies. As a former health teacher, I’m always interested in learning as much as possible about the ingredients in our food. I may be a […]

Hot Cocoa Cake

class=”separator” style=”clear: both; text-align: center;” My little girl LOVES Oswald from Nick Jr.  Henry, the penguin Oswald’s friend  and talks about his hot cocoa quite often.  He likes it with,”Two marshmallows.  No more.  No less.” How I created this cake:  I used an 8 cup batter bowl from Pampered Chef.  It’s the one people use to make […]

Bear Cake

So I wanted to make a bear cake for a certain special someone in my house.  He’s as sweet as can be so it had to be a great cake for my handsome little stinker.  After some thought, I came up with this… It’s as easy as pie to assemble and turned out looking like an […]

Valentine Cupcakes

These cutie patootie cupcakes were made for Valentine’s Day but they’re just too adorable to save them for just one holiday.  The cupcakes are Billy’s Vanilla, Vanilla recipe from Martha Stewart’s website.  Mmmm, this is a FANTASTIC recipe.  I’m usually a chocolate all-the-way woman but these are definitely the exception! While the cupcakes were cooling, […]