Easier Way to Seed an Avocado
The avocado seed can be such a pain to remove. Then, once it’s out, I feel bad for just throwing it away. I recently found an easy seed removal technique AND a way to preserve it – even how to use it in my decor as a house plant. For the longest time, I’ve […]
How To Make Sun Tea
A nice, cold glass of iced tea on a hot day is just so refreshing! Back in Texas, we had many 100+ degree days in a row. It got out of hand! I grew up in Maryland so I’m used to hot summers but not like Texas heat! My mom used to make iced tea […]
My Favorite Parenting Gadgets
I love when the kid catalogs pop up in my mailbox. They’re filled with all kids of gadgets and toys to make parenting easier. Some of the items seem like a big help while others look like a waste of money. Here’s a list of my favorite products that I’ve found to be a […]
Why I Don’t Eat Soy Protein
I’m so sick of soy! It’s NOT the ONLY meat alternative. Soy is everywhere! It’s in almost every single ingredient list I find. The effect on female hormones is why I try to limit how much soy I consume. I’ve found a great meat alternative that DOESN’T contain SOY! I’d love to be 100% vegetarian. […]
Flat-Top Stove is LIKE NEW AGAIN!
class=”separator” style=”clear: both; text-align: center;” I’ve tried: the rough side of a sponge Magic Eraser baking soda and whatever else I could find to try to remove the cooked-on ring around the elements on my flat-top stove. Nothing worked! It was to the point where I just couldn’t stand to look at it any […]
Secret to Beautiful Blog Photos – Light Box
I’ve been interested in getting (or making) a white box for a while. The effect it has on pictures is just gorgeous. It’s basically a mini white tent with filtered lighting. I’m sure you’ve seen the picture – we all have ’em. The obnoxiously over flashed, too close, cluttered background photos. I think […]